Tom Szaller’s Great Pan or Bird Stuffing
This great sausage and bacon stuffing contains so many ingredients, some say it could be a meal in itself. Bake it as a side dish, or use it to stuff the bird.
Set oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees C).
To cook the bacon, use a big, deep skillet.
Cook until evenly browned on a medium-high heat setting.
Drain the crumble and reserve it.
Sausage should be put in a big Dutch oven.
Cook while stirring until crumbles are evenly browned over medium-high heat.
Along with the onions, add the bacon to the sausage.
Red and green bell peppers, as well as mushrooms.
Water, butter, pepper, celery, salt, poultry seasoning, basil, and garlic powder.
Until the vegetables are tender, cook and stir for 10 to 20 minutes after bringing to a boil.
Place the bread into the mixture piece by piece and thoroughly combine until all pieces are covered.
Transfer to two medium baking dishes or a large baking dish